Chapter 7: Haley

Thursday. Home, Arlington, VA.

HALEY EYED THE TWO breakfast plates with a critical eye. Ivana had taken to supervising Haley making most breakfasts. Their cook handled lunch, snack time and dinner most of the week. The rest of it was supposed to be Ivana's responsibility, but it was getting to be too much for the elderly woman to do herself. But today Ivana had wanted to make breakfast.

The food was the same, but now that Haley had practice making the dishes she could see where Ivana was cutting corners to save her strength. Little things that added up.

What was going to happen to her when Haley was gone?

She hoped Konstantin was kind to Ivana, but that wasn't Haley's responsibility.

Ivana waved at the tray, her mouth twisted into a grimace of irritation.

Great, just what Haley needed to deal with today.

She pasted on a bright smile and picked up the tray. "Looks good."

Here went nothing...

Most mornings Konstantin and Zasha ate breakfast together. Haley had already mentally prepared for today to be hard because of the sugar overdose from last night. She hadn't planned for how to deal with Konstantin following their surprise chat.

It was bound to happen.

That's what she kept telling herself.

Konstantin had reacted as expected. She didn't fault him for being angry or trying to negotiate with her. He was a powerful, attractive man used to getting what he wanted, even if he wasn't aware of that privilege. He'd been born an oligarch's son. People had fallen all over themselves to do for him from the moment he was conceived. All in all, he was a reasonable man and Haley hoped that with a day or two he could understand her decision.

But that would not be today.

Haley stepped through the doorway, tray in hand, smile in place.

"Zasha, breakfast," she said in a song-song voice.

Zasha grumbled from her nest of blankets on the sectional. She had her face poking out to watch the cartoons, but that was it.

Konstantin breezed out of his office, already pouring over something. His suit was neatly pressed and he wore the electric blue tie.

Something was going down today. Haley might not know what, but every time she saw that tie he was dealing with big things.

Konstantin glanced up and their gazes met.

It felt as though a hundred thousand volts coursed through her in that instant. Her mouth dried up and she was fairly certain she couldn't feel her toes anymore.

"Good morning, Haley." His tone was polite if a bit cool.

"Morning," she squeaked out and set the tray down.

He took a step toward her, then another.

She breathed in deep, savoring the smell of him. He was so close now she had to tip her chin up to look at him or else she'd be staring at that blue tie.

"Did you happen to install that camera in my office?" he asked softly.

"Yes." Work. Right. "Did something else...?"

Konstantin nodded once.

"Shoot," she muttered. Good thing she'd planned for a little time to go over house security, anyway. "I'll look into it.

He turned his attention on his daughter. "Zasha? What do you say to Miss Haley when she brings breakfast?"

Zasha sat up, little wisps of hair sticking every which way. "Thank you, Miss Haley."

Konstantin sat at the head of the table, as was his custom. "That's a good girl. Now, come have breakfast with me."

Haley retrieved the throw blanket and folded it while Zasha plodded to the table. "You have fifteen minutes before you need to go get dressed and ready for school."

She made the mistake of glancing over her shoulder.

Zasha was poking at her food as expected.

Konstantin stared at Haley, his gaze every bit as intense as before. He blinked and suddenly the shutters were in place once more. He leaned his forearm on the table, bent his head and said something softly to Zasha, who giggled.

Haley used that respite to dart through the door, fleeing the room.

She put the blanket on the rack of other throws in their living room then glanced around, searching for Ivana.

The dishes were all still on the stove.

She wasn't at the dining table eating.

Haley peered at the bathroom, but it was dark.

Ivana's bedroom was also dark, but the door was open.

Not today...

Haley tip-toed to the room and looked in.

Ivana lay on top of the comforter, hands folded over her stomach, snoring softly.

Cooking breakfast exhausted her. She shouldn't be managing Zasha.

Haley decided to let Ivana rest. Today was Zasha's out of house classes. Most of the time a teacher came to the condo, but once every other week they took Zasha to a piano lesson followed by an art class with other homeschooled kids at a big community center not far from the condo. She'd taken dance after both of those until last year when she'd begged to stop. It made for a very full morning.

But today was a little different.

While Haley would do the normal driving to and from the lessons, she'd arranged to have one of Konstantin's reserve bodyguards take over watching the classes while Haley went over more security footage.

It was clear whoever had taken the keepsake pictures knew the house routine. Which was why Konstantin had instructed her to place three in his condo. The only people who knew about them were the two of them.

Haley still had no idea who could want Konstantin's old pictures.

She was holding out hope that it was Zasha pulling some prank. The alternatives worried Haley. For all she knew there were old KGB codes in those pictures.

But how was someone getting in without them knowing? Or was it someone who came in and out regularly?

Please let it be Zasha...

Haley busied herself for the allotted fifteen minute breakfast by making a call to the security guard who would take her place for lessons followed by a five minute good morning chat with her dad. They'd talk later, but most mornings she liked to at least see his face and say hi. Lastly, she ensured her laptop was charging and set out at the ready for when she returned.

Zasha eventually shuffled back through the door. Konstantin leaned through and told her to have a good day before closing the adjoining door and no doubt headed off to work. Haley was glad she'd missed his gaze. That one look was enough for her today. With luck she'd have something good she could email him with, or call him if she deemed it necessary to act immediately.