Chapter 16: Tasha

Friday. Rose House. Arlington, VA.

TASHA CLOSED HER EYES and inhaled the delicate aroma of her morning brew. It was otherwise perfect, save for Nikolai hovering in the doorway.

She sighed, exasperated, and set the cup down. "Yes, Nikolai?"

The young man practically leapt over the threshold into the dining room. "There's a message for you."

Tasha looked at Nikolai for a moment, but he didn't proceed. She waved her hand. "And what does it say?"

"Sorry, it's from Ivana. She says your son wants to have lunch."

"Lunch." Tasha snorted. "This is what you're interrupting my breakfast for?"

Nikolai blinked a few times. "I, uh, thought this was important."

She rolled her eyes.

Konstantin was a piece of a bigger picture.

"Wait until ten, oh, sixteen? Keep it random. At ten sixteen tell him I'll be delighted to have lunch with him, but it needs to be early. Say eleven thirty." It was fine and all for her son to make this move, but Tasha would remain in control.