Chapter 49: Haley

Monday. Home. Washington, DC.

HALEY ATE THE PIECE of pizza, but she barely tasted it or had any idea what was going on in the movie. Thankfully, she wasn't terribly invested in the cartoon.

Zasha, on the other hand, was just about asleep. She'd wiggled around and now lay with her head on Konstantin's lap and her legs across Haley's. She was a little surprised Zasha had managed to go to sleep after all the soda the cops had given her over the course of the afternoon and evening.

"I think she's out," Konstantin said softly.

"Hm?" Haley glanced down at Zasha. "Wow. I didn't think she'd ever get to sleep."

"Could be that stuff Dad gave her." He grimaced.

They still didn't know what was in the candy and wouldn't until a toxin report came back. The doctor who'd checked Zasha out hadn't found anything concerning and suggested watching her closely, hydrating and healthy eating. Basically, everything Haley normally did.

"Yeah, someone is going to bed," Konstantin muttered.