Chapter 52: Epilogue.

A month later...

HALEY FIDGETED WITH THE zipper on her jacket.

She hadn't brought a man home to meet her family in ages. Maybe since high school. And here she was with not only a man, but a pre-teen girl.

Konstantin squeezed her hand, as if he could sense her thoughts.

He was annoyingly good at that sort of thing.

The problem was her.

Everything was just so damn perfect. She couldn't get away from the feeling that it couldn't last. That somehow or someway Konstantin and Zasha would be ripped away from her. But every morning she woke up and there they were.

"Here you are," the driver of the SUV announced.

"Wow, hello suburban America. You sure your last name isn't Cleaver?" Konstantin grinned at her.

"Hush." She pushed his shoulder.

Secretly, she cherished moments like this. Konstantin was learning to relax and enjoy life more, and she loved getting to watch him finally live.