Sunday. Luxe Ibiza Hostel, Cala Gració, Ibiza.
ORION PACED THE OFFICE. He'd given up the pretense of working about ten minutes after their last phone call. That was half an hour ago. He knew that Jennifer might have to go to a secondary location or wait for an authenticity check. There were hoops to jump through. He understood that took time and this wasn't likely to be a straight forward exchange situation.
It didn't stop him from worrying.
He should have tailed her, stayed at a safe distance. Something.
The not knowing was the worst.
For all he knew, Bain had tried something.
Orion stared out of the window behind his desk and chewed his thumbnail.
As a kid, it used to be his terrible habit. He'd only broken it when he'd started SEAL training. Exhaustion was enough of a reason to stop. Now, he just needed to do something.
Where was she?
There was GPS on the car.