Sunday. Safe House, Boa Vista, Brazil.
LUMEN WALKED THE BALCONY around the safe house. Before she'd even begun to draft her own plan or call her boss for back-up, William had jumped into action. He'd booked the house, transportation, everything before she could collect her thoughts. She was glad to see he'd at least listened the last time they talked about her requirements for a safe enough property. There was a tall, sturdy fence. The house had visibility on all sides onto the neighboring properties. There were too many windows for her liking, but that wasn't a battle she was going to win.
The Aegis Group office would have lined all of this up for them, but William had needed something to do. Lumen understood that, even if she wished she would have gotten a bit more say in things.
How could she keep the rest of them safe if she wasn't involved in the planning?