Wednesday. Creed of Truth Sanctuary, Brazil.
MAX HELD THE DOOR for Lumen then locked their cabin. They hadn't said much to each other this morning after a night of tossing and turning. Their little AC unit had stopped working and there hadn't been enough of a breeze through the windows to cool the small space. It was clear Lumen hadn't wanted to talk to him after his confession last night. Cold showers first thing had helped some, but if he knew Lumen she was just as grouchy as he was feeling. Probably more.
Neither of them had ever been big into discussing their feelings. He'd been too busy trying to excel. She'd been managing school, a part-time job, extracurricular activities, all while keeping her head down at home. Her parent's marriage hadn't been happy, and it was no surprise that they'd divorced quickly two months after Lumen graduated high school. To say the wedding had been a tense affair was an understatement.
The less they said this morning, the better.