Chapter 145: Lumen

Saturday. Creed of Truth Sanctuary, Brazil.

LUMEN SLOWLY ROLLED HEAR head left then right. She wiggled each finger and toe in turn. Then she progressed to testing the range of motion he had in her arms and legs.

It wasn't much.

The guys Sonny had hired weren't slouches.

There was no way she was getting out of this without some assistance.

She grit her teeth momentarily. Her head was pounding.

Where was Max? He'd gotten away, hadn't he?

She prayed he had the book and Aspen. That they'd done something at least.

The questioning so far had been rapid fire, not coherent. Mostly, Sonny had stood there and yelled at her. That was fine. It didn't phase her one bit. But soon someone who had a head on their shoulders would get control of things and manage Sonny, no doubt. That was when she'd get worried.

Lumen had come up with a plan for that, but it wasn't very good.