Chapter 2: Scarlett

Scarlett CLUTCHED HER brother's clothes to her chest and stared at the doorway leading to the hall bathroom where her unexpected guest was showering.

Holy... Just-holy.

When she'd stared at that man she'd stopped thinking, lost in eyes that were a light green. Or blue? Kind of minty. She'd been caught completely off guard by him. Then the stupid pig bolted. The neighbors had probably arrived home which meant the possibility of food and Scarlett had gotten a lot more acquainted with her would-be rescuer.

It said a lot about her relationship status that having a random, attractive man fall on her was about as good as she'd gotten lately. She was in need of some help if her mind equated that with being held. But then he'd scrambled off her and any fantasy she'd have harbored was gone.

The image of mud-boob prints on his cheeks would be burned into her memory. Even now her cheeks heated thinking about it. God, why were these things always happening to her? Couldn't she be a normal girl who met a guy at the right time instead of wallowing in mud?

Who was he?

Why was he here?

There wasn't a car or a truck out front, so how had he arrived?

Or had heaven just spat him out to torment her?

The water shut off.



He needed clothes since his were covered in mud from trying to help her.

There needed to be a discussion about the pig soon. This was the third or fourth time the behemoth had shown up at their place. At least it had never happened during a wedding. That would be bad.


Deliver clothes.

Figure out what he wanted.

Get him on his way and out of her head.

Then she could have a real shower and not a hosing off outside.

She lifted her hand and tapped her knuckles on the bathroom door.

It swung inward immediately. She snatched for the doorknob, thinking it hadn't been shut properly but it was out of her grasp. Her mystery guest stood on the fluffy bath mat, a towel around his hips and a washrag in hand rubbing his hair.

Oh, holy...

Her mouth dried up and her tongue felt as though it were coiled in her throat.

Water droplets traced the deep cuts of muscle on his chest and abs. The towel was situated precariously on his hips, the Adonis belt of muscle highly defined, looked like an awfully fun slide she'd like to take a trip down.

He cleared his throat.

She was staring. Obviously staring.

Scarlett gave her head a shake and wrestled her eyes up to his head. Those same minty blue-green eyes she'd got lost in before. He was staring right back at her. The gut churning reaction was stronger now. Her knees knocked together a little despite her efforts to hold it together. She was more aware of the rest of him now. He had a double bump of his nose as if it had been broken a time or two. The smattering of freckles across his cheeks, chin, neck.

Was he freckled everywhere?

Don't look.

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" he asked and took a step toward her.

"I'm fine." She took a step back until she leaned against the wall and glanced lower.

Yup, freckles-everywhere.

"Look at me?" He closed in on her and took her chin in his fingers.

"I'm still muddy." She tried to pull away, but his hold was firm.

"I'm not a human doctor, but I am a vet. I've also had my fair share of concussions."

"It's not a concussion. I didn't hit my head." This close to him it was hard to breathe. She'd never met a man more potent. Even her lower regions were taking notice.

Had he just said he was a veterinarian? What was he doing here?

There was only one in town, and old Mr. Green didn't look this good.

His thumb swiped over her cheek. His gaze studied her, and not just the concussion parts. If she wasn't mistaken his eyes were on her lips more than anywhere else.

"I'm sorry." He dropped his hand and took a step back, allowing her to breathe. "Can we try this again?"

He smiled and her body warmed. It was like a trained reaction.

"Are you...Scarlett?" he asked.

"Yes." Crap. He knew who she was. He was probably here for some work reason. "Here. I brought you some clothes."

She thrust the bundle of shorts and T-shirt at him then took a step sideways, uncomfortably aware of her physical response to him. Like her nipples chafing in her wet bra. She never thought about the state of her nipples. At least not outside the bedroom. Why now?

"Thanks." He kept staring at her and it felt as though she weren't wearing anything at all. "I'll be right back."

Scarlett nodded.

He turned his back toward her and she exhaled, taking in those wide, freckled shoulders of the very off-limits man disappearing behind the door again. The towel clung to the curve of his ass, showing off tight muscles she wanted to bite.


Where was that coming from?

"Pull yourself together, girl," she muttered to herself.

Scarlett was the kind of girl who fell in love easy. It didn't even have to be encouraged, sometimes it just happened. Which had gotten her into trouble.

She padded around the corner into the kitchen and grabbed two mason jar glasses, then retrieved the pitcher of sweet tea. Maybe that would help cool her down. Her parched throat needed something wet and cold to counteract the heat simmering low in her belly.

"Thanks," he said right behind her.

Scarlett gasped and whirled, sloshing tea on her toes.

"Sorry," she yelped and grabbed for the roll of paper towels.

"No, no. Let me." He took the towels from her and bent, swiping the wood plank floors then her toes with a gentle touch.

Who are you?

"There." He glanced up and smiled, his damp hair falling forward over his brow.

Sweet Jesus, he smiled and she could hear angels.

"I'm sorry, not to be rude, but you have me at a disadvantage. Who are you?" She couldn't take this torture anymore. She should take a step back, put distance between them, but she was rooted to the spot.

"I'm Cole." He straightened, standing so close she could smell the soap on his skin and the flecks of darker blues and greens in his eyes.

"Cole?" She didn't know that name, but she wanted to.

"Cole Odell?"



The Odell wedding.

He was a groom.

And she'd...

Oh-oh, fiddlesticks.

Her throat closed up and heat raced up her neck.

"You're Allie-Kate's fiancé. It's so nice to meet you. I'd offer to shake your hand but I'm still messy." Scarlett held up her hands, took a step back and screwed on her work smile even while a part of her withered. "I've been trying to get a hold of you guys."

Cole glanced away, and it was as though the world dimmed a bit. A silly part of her wanted to do whatever it took to make him smile again.

"The wedding is off," he said.