Chapter 23: Cole

Cole HAD TO get in the car. All he could think about was Scarlett in all the ways he wanted her. That wasn't being friends.

"Cole? Cole, wait."

"No, Scarlett." He kept going, curling his hands into fists so he couldn't reach for her.

Footsteps rustled the grass and fallen leaves. He could feel her coming closer.

She grabbed his elbow and yanked. She wasn't strong enough to stop him, but he gave in anyway. Because he wasn't ready to walk away from her yet.

"What?" He turned toward her, his whole being vibrating with the need to touch her.

For another long moment they stared at each other, her face lined with emotion he couldn't name. She felt too deeply. It was there in her eyes. She knew what she wanted, and he was barely figuring his shit out. He'd very likely hurt her if this kept going.

He closed his eyes and inhaled the night air, catching the sweeter scent of the vanilla candles still clinging to her skin.
