Chapter 20: Scarlett

Scarlett stared while others howled in laughter. Sissy waved and flicked the ends of the reins at people as her pony trotted on.

"How much trouble is she going to get in for that?" Kasima turned, eyes wide.

"I don't know that she can get in trouble. You don't have to have a license to operate a buggy." Scarlett stood and stared at the caution triangle on the back of Sissy's pony cart.

That was going to make quite a stir.

They stowed the chairs and coolers in Ingrid's little car, leaving no room for other bodies. But that was okay. Most people parked by the field then walked to Main Street. Their group merged with other familiar faces, all headed toward the field. The others drifted away until it was just her. And Cole.

She slid the carnation behind her ear, freeing her hands and wiped her palms on her thighs.

Cole was just a guy she knew from town. Just because they had chemistry didn't dictate they become a couple or even explore what it might be like.