Chapter 26: Scarlett

"What happened?" she asked. Had Allie shown up? Was there bad news about the search for his siblings?

"We had to put down two dogs today," he whispered.

"Oh, no." Her heart ached, and she squeezed him tighter.

"Yeah, one darted out in the road and the other..."

"I'm sorry."

"Me, too." Cole kissed her forehead and patted her back.

"Come on." She took a step away from him and reached for his hand.

"Let me grab the food."

They gathered the bags and together carried the bounty inside. Cole took over laying out the ingredients and pouring her a glass of wine.

"We could just heat up a pizza," she said.

"Spaghetti is my comfort food." He glanced up at her and smiled. Sadness still tinged his eyes. "How was the wedding?"

"More work than I expected." She rolled her eyes. "It went off well, though we had several bridesmaids get sick."
