Chapter 32: Scarlett

Scarlett drank her water and took her medicine. Though a nap sounded heavenly, she never could fall asleep once it was daylight. Her internal clock was not a fan.

Her first order of business was coffee and simply sitting in the stillness of her house, existing. Her mind was quiet and with Garth taking over her meeting for the morning, there was no pressure to hurry from one thing to another. By the time she finished her coffee she felt steadier, more human.

She scooped up her phone and glanced at the notifications.

There were quite a few, but then she'd let them stack up over night. Now she tapped through them. Garth had texted her twice very late. The rest were from Ingrid, one from Jessica and even a message from Kasima.

She created a group text with the three girls and fired off her reply: Too hung over to type. Come over.

That done, Scarlett got in the shower for a proper washing up. When she turned off the shower she heard voices in her bedroom.