Chapter 29: Scarlett

Scarlett opened and closed her mouth. The muscles in her throat tightened, and she knew she had to be blushing.

"You are holding out," Jessica whispered and leaned even closer.

"It's..." Scarlett wanted to downplay the relationship now that someone was shining a light on it. But saying it was nothing was being unfair to the honesty they'd shared.

"I am so jealous. Please tell me the sex is good. Someone needs to be having good sex because it sure as hell isn't me." Jessica groaned. Come to think of it, Scarlett didn't even know if she'd ever seen Jessica with a boyfriend since high school.

"It would be good, except we aren't having any." Scarlett's cheeks heated. It had been a long time since she'd had girl talk about guys, sex or relationships.

"Why not?" Jessica asked.

"Because..." Scarlett shrugged. How much could she share?

"Oh, no. No, that's not okay." Jessica crossed to the register and spent a moment ringing someone up.