Chapter 34: Cole

Cole STARED AT the doors leading into the restaurant. He couldn't recall the name of the place or take his eyes off that point to look at the sign. Ever since his phone call with Cal and Eve this morning he'd been operating in a daze. This wasn't the hangover or lack of sleep. He was wound too tight for that. Anticipation and anxiety had his stomach in knots. He'd changed his shirt twice before leaving the house due to sweat.

He was a wreck.

Without looking at his phone he hit dial again and listened to the ringing.

Once. Three times. Five.


He ended the call before Scarlett's voice could tease him.

She'd been pretty rough that morning. Chances were she'd gone to work and was passed out already. He wanted her to be there with him, but this was all happening so fast. He couldn't fault her for nursing her hangover.