Chapter 37: Scarlett

Scarlett closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to see him. "I hadn't realized it then. I was too caught up in...this. Us. I was overwhelmed."

"What do you want, Scarlett? Do you want to work on this, or are you done?" Given what she'd been through with her ex, he couldn't fault her for wanting to protect herself.

"I want this to work out, but I'm scared it won't. I'm scared of how much it could hurt if it doesn't." She chuckled. "I've got that curse to watch out for and all."

"But how good would it be if this does work?" The tight fist that had clenched on his insides relaxed a little and he sucked down a breath. He wasn't ready to commit to the idea of kids. It was too soon for that talk, but his eyes were open to the possibility.

"I think I'm scared of that, too. I'm just-scared. It's stupid. I'm sorry. I-"

"Baby. Sh."