Chapter 41: Scarlett

Scarlett TURNED INTO Cole's driveway.

She'd been positive one of the guys would want to stop and talk to her on her way out, or she'd get pulled over for something silly and someone would ask questions about her long, winter coat. It might be October, but it wasn't yet cold. Hell, her air conditioner was still running. If it weren't for her need to cover up the super sexy, barely there number she'd bought while shopping with the girls.

Never in Scarlett's life had she done something like this. She wasn't really the lingerie and sexy stuff girl. Awkward and opportunistic were more her speed, but with Cole she wanted to make an effort.

She killed the Jeep, grabbed her bag then carefully slid out of the driver's seat. She could already hear Pip barking away inside. The newly installed blinds meant nosy neighbors couldn't see inside. She'd never hung curtains or anything because she liked the sunshine but after this week she was ready to measure and place her own order.