Chapter 46: Scarlett

BY EARLY AFTERNOON Scarlett's stomach insisted she go home to at least eat. Ingrid and Kasima followed her up to her place even though they both had a lot on their plates. What would Scarlett do without friends like them?

She pulled into the drive and before her door was open both Benji and Garth had appeared on their porch looking in her direction.

Of course they'd know.

Everyone was probably talking about AK being in town and at Cole's house.

Scarlett didn't want to talk about it with them. She was hurt and confused by Cole's silence. The things Ingrid had told her she'd heard Cole say didn't help alleviate the stress.

But she and Cole were in a relationship. They'd agreed on that. It had to mean something.

She was determined not to go crazy girl again. When he got off work, they'd talk about this.

Scarlett got out of the Jeep and with the help of Ingrid and Kasima gathered her laundry.

"Here, let us help," Garth said as they closed in.