Chapter 58: Benji

Volume 2: Summer of Love

BENJI LIVELY POWERED OFF his phone, ignoring his brother's phone call, and kept his eyes on the road. The work day was over. There wasn't anything else to be done. It was time to let off a little steam and talking to Garth wasn't going to help. Hell, half Benji's problems lately were courtesy of his brother.

What was it with Garth lately? Everything Benji did rubbed him the wrong way. Nothing was good enough. Benji didn't do anything right. The list went on.

He needed to find his buddies, get a drink and forget about his family for a few hours.

The Fort Worth Stockyards were a hopping place on any given Saturday. Tonight was no different. He found an out of the way spot to park on the street a block over from the strip of bars that drew in tourists and locals alike. Benji had a group of friends he hung out with fairly often who were plain old fun. Just what he needed.

Who would have thought running a wedding venue would be tough work?