Chapter 60: Benji

BENJI SUCKED DOWN SOME water. His buddies were already too far into their beers. He'd never catch up with them and he had another long day tomorrow. He watched as one of the guys tried to line up a shot at the pool table while a couple of attractive ladies looked on. He missed, and the girls laughed.

Everyone was having fun.

Benji wasn't quite feeling the vibe, but the lighter mood was just what he needed after his brother's sour mood. He'd have to grin and bear it tomorrow, something he wasn't looking forward to.

His phone flashed a number he hadn't seen in a while.

What was this about?

He picked up the phone and moved toward the patio door before answering.

"Hey, man. What's up? Working tonight?" Benji plugged his right ear to hear better.

"Hey, dude." Ralph was a bartender that took shifts at a half dozen different bars up and down the street. "You wouldn't be at the stockyards tonight by any chance, would you?"

"Yeah. What's up?"