Chapter 66: Dixie

TWO HOURS AND THE best Dixie could do was hold a couple strings down and strum. It had taken them almost an hour to even get to actually playing the instrument. Benjamin was a surprisingly thorough teacher. She understood the anatomy of the instrument and some music theory before he'd gotten to how one actually played the thing.

She'd done better at the anatomy and theory.

Make a G chord.

That sounded easy enough.

But getting there was a contortion act. Her wrist was bent at an unnatural angle and the strings bit into her skin, but damn it, she was going to hold those three strings down and strum if it was the last thing she did.

Learning to play an instrument had sounded beautiful and romantic. Hunched over glaring at the strings was neither of those things.

"Almost." Benjamin reached over from where he sat across from her and adjusted the way her fingers pressed on the strings.

She caught a whiff of his cologne again and sighed.