Chapter 72: Benji

BENJI STOOD IN THE open barn doors gazing in at the bare floor.

Half an hour ago it had been strewn with streamers, confetti and a billion napkins.

He'd have to remember that whole throwing them in the air thing if they ever hosted another Greek wedding. They really hadn't been prepared for this group, but everything had gone off well enough. All of the attendees had appeared to have a good time. And the newlyweds had paused on their way out the door to gush about the event.

It was a job well done.

And Benji was ready to pass out.

He glanced at the single light shining from inside his house. Garth had bailed earlier, leaving Benji with the last few things. That was highly unusual. Garthmicromanaged everything they did. Letting Benji turn the lights off was strange.

His stomach growled.

He turned his attention on the cheery light coming out from the open windows of Scarlett's house.

What were the chances he could beg a plate there?