Chapter 75: Benji

BENJI WAS LOOKING FORWARD to distracting himself with the guitars tonight. For an hour or two everything could be simple. He didn't have to wonder what her motivation was, would she snap at him, did he need to be prepared for some kind of verbal attack.

He blew out a breath.

They really had to figure Garth out.

But not now. For the next little while Benji was going to focus on a pretty woman and the sound of a well-made guitar. He was determined to get her playing Forever and Ever, Amen before the end of the summer.

He strolled through the barn doors and leaned against the exterior, watching the lane headed up the hill for Dixie's car. Since Garth was home tonight Benji had decided to avoid the house altogether.


They'd texted a few times and like last week her replies were short. To the point.

Was that just how she communicated? Or was there something else going on? Did he imagine the sizzle when he touched her? Or was it really there?