Chapter 113: Dixie

DIXIE STOOD BACK, ADMIRING the photographs. The ones she'd taken with Benji's camera.


She wasn't supposed to be thinking about him.

"Why are you still here? Are you hiding?" Elisabeth breezed into the room that had been re-purposed for assembling the new scrapbooks.

"Yes." Dixie winced. There was no point in lying to her best friend.

"Have you seen or spoken to him since Saturday?" Elisabeth set the stack of newspapers down on the long table that stretched down the middle of the room.

"No." Dixie's insides quaked. It wasn't uncommon for her early week schedule to make it hard to see Benji, but they always talked.

"Seriously? No texts? Phone calls? Nothing?"

"It'll be too hard if we talk. I have to go cold turkey."

"Okay. Does he know you're breaking up with him?"