Chapter 121: Epilogue


Cole had been conscripted into helping her cousins with some sort of heavy lifting before dinner, which meant she couldn't spin her wheels talking at him. He was trying to be supportive and understanding, but he was too damn happy.

She paced out of the house just as Dixie was getting out of her car.

A brisk fall wind rustled the trees, sending another shower of leaves cascading to the ground.

"Hey." Dixie shouldered her purse and met Scarlett halfway.

"Did you by any chance bring your planner with you?" This was a chance she couldn't pass up. Normally Benji was glued to Dixie's hip to the point that Scarlett couldn't get in a word to her without him participating. Scarlett wanted to talk long-term planning without the distraction that was Benji.


"Great. Would you mind-" What was she thinking? She couldn't ask this out here. "Want to come inside?"
