Chapter 127: Noemi

Noemi ROLLED TO HER back and stared up at her ceiling. She'd done back-to-back weddings Friday and Saturday. By all rights she should sleep half the day away, and yet here she was, awake with the sun.

She'd known Friday she was in trouble when the DJ just happened to play a jazzy number that reminded her all too much of the beach front club she'd dragged Garth to. Saturday's cowboy themed wedding made her think of him, how silly he'd looked at the resort in his boots, jeans and polos.

God, she wanted to be over the man.

She grasped the front of the oversized sleep shirt she'd gotten up in the middle of the night to put on and pulled it up over her nose. Closing her eyes, she breathed deep.

Logically she knew the shirt no longer smelled of Garth. It was one of those freebies someone had launched into a crowd and he'd worn a few times over the course of the trip. It had wound up in her suitcase and she'd never given it back.