Chapter 130: Noemi

MONDAYS WERE SUPPOSED TO be Noemi's day off, but with Scarlett's wedding coming up Noemi didn't have a hope or prayer of a minute of downtime. It was her own fault. If she hadn't been in avoidance mode over Garth she'd be more on top of things instead of scrambling around.

Thank goodness Scarlett was a relaxed bride.

Just thinking about her friend made Noemi's heart go all warm and mushy.

It was a feeling Noemi didn't get often these days.

When she'd begun planning weddings she thought she'd scored her dream job. She got to live in this love-infused bubble where people connected with their soul mates and lived happily ever after.

The reality of her job hadn't come until later. Sure, her mother and what few friends she had liked to peg her break-up with Ángel as the turning point for her cynicism. Truth was it had come six months before Ángel left her.