Chapter 132: Noemi

They stared at each other.

Okay, so friendship wasn't all Noemi wanted from Garth, but it was the only thing she'd grant herself. A relationship would ruin things and she wasn't willing to give up Scarlett or the chance of a friendship with Garth just so Noemi could scratch an itch.

Or was she?

Scarlett was going to be married and have a baby, all within the next year. Lots of people drifted apart during one of those events, but both? Was Noemi destined to lose it all here no matter what she did?

Damn, she hadn't thought of that.

"Well?" she said when he didn't reply.

"I'm not sure how to respond. Do I lie to you and tell you we can be friends? Or am I honest?" His brown eyes were molten now to the point Noemi's mouth dried up. "I'm not sure I'm capable of being friends with you and not wanting more, No-No."