Chapter 135: Noemi

Noemi SLOWED HER JOG as her phone vibrated against her thigh. It was actually cool enough this morning that she'd needed a light jacket. She braced herself and looked at the display.

Scarlett Lively.

Noemi's gut still churned. She hadn't slept much last night. Her brain was too worked up over what had happened with Garth, how far she'd let things go, what it meant for the future.

It wasn't like she could ignore Garth. Or Scarlett for that matter.

Noemi tapped the answer button. "Scarlett, hey."

"Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No, not at all." She turned at the next corner and decided her morning run was over. "How you feeling?"

"Okay this morning. Knock on wood." Scarlett chuckled and Noemi heard the thump thump thump of a literal knock on wood. "I'm sorry I didn't make it over last night. I hope Garth wasn't too much trouble."

Noemi's throat tightened.