IN ALL HER YEARS of gainful employment, Kennedy had never felt like bailing before the first day. After the first day, sure. She'd worked a few crap jobs that were real doozies for the newbie. But an hour and a half before her first shift at Elvira's Tavern, she wanted to throw in the towel.
She wouldn't. The family needed her employed, so to work she'd go like the busy little worker bee she was. But every cell in her body wanted to curl up and hide. Because this wasn't like working the taps at O'Leary's or any of the other pubs, bars, and taverns she'd served in over the years. This was Eden's Ridge, where everybody knew her or knew of her, and they thought that gave them free license to poke into her personal life.
After Xander's display at lunch yesterday, they'd all be asking about him and whether they were back together for real. Kennedy didn't know what the hell they were, but together wasn't it. He'd made that perfectly clear when he'd stormed out.