Chapter 27

AFTER DINNER, ATHENA DECLARED dishes as someone else's responsibility and disappeared for a poker game with a couple of their foster siblings, who'd come to town for the wedding. Ari had gone up to watch, and Maggie holed up to do a little telecommuting for her firm in L.A. Wanting some quiet and a chance to find a little balance again, Pru shooed Kennedy and Flynn off to the family room for a visit. It seemed she hadn't been able to quite catch her breath since she fell off the ladder and into his arms.

What was it about accents that were so damned sexy?

She could hear Flynn's clearly from the family room as she washed and stacked. "Tell me true, deifiúr beag, how are you?" There was a wealth of affection in the term, and Pru wondered what it meant.

"I'm home," Kennedy said simply.

Flynn made a noise of disbelief. "You're as much a gypsy as me. You expect me to believe you're really okay with putting down roots again?"