Chapter 34

AT THE END OF a long day, Pru was dumping used linens from her massage practice into the washer, when Abbey pounced on her.

"Pru Reynolds, how dare you keep this a secret!"

Pru found herself pinned against the washing machine, her left hand held aloft, Abbey's own load of linens in a pile around their feet. "Jesus, girl, give me a heart attack, why don't you?"

"Heart attack my ass. Spill!" Abbey demanded.

This wasn't how she'd planned on the news getting out. But if she'd really wanted to keep it a secret, she wouldn't have put the ring back on when she was done with massages for the day. She just...liked it there. Tugging free of her friend's grip, Pru bent to gather up the mess in the floor and add it to the load. "So, I'm engaged."

"To who?"


"I knew there was something going on between you two. But engaged? Isn't that kinda fast?"

She'd committed to the cover story now and found that it fell off her tongue with greater ease. "Two years isn't fast."