Chapter 15

Why the hell did I agree to this?

Nerves danced a jig in Ivy's belly at the sight of all the people packed into Parthenon Books. A banner hung at the front proclaiming "First Ever Appearance of Blake Iverson, Author of Best-Selling Sloan Maddox Series."

Her publisher had agreed to the expanded production timeline, but in exchange they'd wanted to do something to wow the public and rev them up. With her new protagonist being a woman, Wally had strongly pressed for Ivy to break her streak of no public appearances and let the world know she was a woman. So she'd agreed to this signing and an extremely limited tour after the book was published.

She was already regretting it.

In the center of the store, rows of folding chairs were set in front of a podium. Every one was filled and the crowd standing at the fringes was three deep. Each person she saw held one of her books in their hands, mostly the latest one, Hollow Point Ridge. The sight made her queasy.