Chapter 21

"Shit." Sebastian stared after Laurel, one hand still on Ginger's flank, reeling as if she'd sucker punched him.

He'd thought he could just ignore the attraction, avoid acting on it, and things would be fine. He hadn't counted on her calling him out. And he sure as hell hadn't expected her to put it all back on him. That was...uncomfortable. It made him realize his avoidance tactic depended upon her feeling like all this was her fault. That made him a coward and an asshole. He'd spent too much of his life trying not to be those things to let this stand. Turning Ginger out to pasture, he sucked it up and headed to the big house to find her and apologize.

The front door was, as usual, unlocked. He slipped inside, striding toward the kitchen in the back, where he heard the sound of water and low strains of music.