Chapter 25

From where she lay sprawled atop him on the sofa, Laurel stared at the freshly-decorated Frasier fir now occupying a prominent corner of the farmhouse living room. "We do good work."

Sebastian tunneled a hand under her sweater to stroke up and down her spine. Their time was almost up. In thirty-six hours, Logan and his new bride would be back from their honeymoon. Laurel would have to move back into the guest room instead of his bed. Her parents would be inbound the day after that. And then she'd be going back to her regularly scheduled life and whatever new direction she figured out. He wanted as much of her as he could get before then.

"It's a good lookin' tree. And I'm pretty sure not having to scramble to make everything presentable for your folks will secure you a spot in the favorite sister column."

"Here's hoping they like everything. I may have gone a little overboard at the holiday bazaar."