Chapter 28

His girl. As he drove back to the farm, he sure as hell hoped that was still accurate. Maybe with an apology, this would be their first fight and not their last.

The sky stretched out in an endless gray sheet. He didn't like the look of the clouds boiling above the hills. That storm would be cresting the mountain soon. It would hit the valley and the farm not long after that. He needed to get the horses fed and rounded up, and prepare to sleep light tonight in case Ginger lost her shit. With that in mind, he pulled up in front of the barn.

Almost as soon as he stopped, people were spilling out of the house. The tension slammed into him, setting him on alert even before Lawrence Maxwell stormed over.

"You! This is all your fault."

So Laurel had finally told him. Good for her.

Pocketing his keys, Sebastian kept his expression placid. "Excuse me?"

Logan tried to step between them. "Dad, calm down."