Chapter 46

As an engine cranked up outside, Paisley stood in the kitchen, barefoot, in Ty's shirt, lips still tingling from his kiss as her ears rang with "See you when I get home." Duke chuffed at the door. The coffeemaker burbled. On the counter behind her, the breakfast they'd made lay cooling. In the sudden silence, the doubts came creeping in like ghosts, sapping away the flirty, happy buoyancy that had carried her through the morning.

She wasn't ready to go home. Above and beyond the dread of what might be waiting for her, she hadn't wanted to leave Ty and the little bubble he'd created this weekend. But she'd been prepared for the inevitable departure. The moment he'd gotten that phone call, she'd been trying to stuff all the messy feelings back into a box so he wouldn't see how disappointed she was that they were losing their last few hours. Fake it 'til you make it at its finest.

She hadn't been prepared for him to ask her to stay.