Chapter 48

"I think it's safe to say that this guy is just fine." As if to thank him for the diagnosis, Duke bounced up to give Sebastian a sloppy kiss.

Paisley released a slow breath, finally able to let go of one fear. "Thank you. I know it was probably an overreaction, but I just... He's my baby. If anything happened to him, I don't know what I'd do."

"Nonsense, of course you were worried," Laurel soothed, squeezing her shoulder. Sebastian's fiancée was a take-charge, no-nonsense sort of woman. Paisley didn't really know why she was here, but having another woman around was comforting. "He's a total sweetheart of a pup."

"I've always loved that he's never met a stranger. But now... Obviously, I need to keep a closer eye on him."

Sebastian scruffed Duke's ears, frowning. "Are you sure he didn't know whoever did this?"

That was an even more horrifying thought. That someone she knew might be behind all this. "I'm not sure of anything."