Chapter 53

"Do you want to tell me why I had to hear from my sister-in-law that you and Ty have moved into the inn?"

Paisley scowled at Emerson's voice on the phone, wondering which one of Caleb's four sisters had blabbed. Either Xander's wife, Kennedy, or Pru, the one who also had a teenage daughter. "Hello to you too, Em. How are things in preggoland?"

"Don't change the subject. What's going on?"

Probably Pru.

Knowing she'd been cornered, Paisley shoved back from the desk and began to pace the confines of the comfortable room that had begun to feel like a prison over the past three days. "That little maybe-a-stalker problem has turned into definitely-a-stalker problem." She gave Emerson the summarized version of events as Duke trailed her around the room like a faithful shadow.

"Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me?

"I didn't want to worry you."

"How bad is it?"