"WE OFFICIALLY SWEPT THE entire letters to the editor section for the last three days." Grammy checked a list. "That brings our total to...sixteen."
Norah fought to keep her voice level and professional. "Excellent. Are your letter writers prepared to expand the scope? We really want to get the word out regionally. Hit up the papers in Lawley, Oxford, Starkville, all the areas that would be impacted by this change."
"I'll get them started tonight."
She paused to guzzle the fresh glass of water Aunt Liz had set out for her. Now if only she had an aspirin the size of Alabama. No one had said a word about the fact that she looked like death - she was good with makeup - but Aunt Liz's silent solicitude made her wonder if last night's antics had already spread around town, or at least through the family.
The front door opened. "Honey, I'm hoooome!"