CAM DUG THE BLADE of his sharp shooter shovel into the earth and blessed the groundhog for having given the middle finger to winter. The rising, early spring temperatures had landscaping clients coming out of the woodwork, which meant he could finally get his hands dirty with something other than political bullshit. The weeping cherry trees that hadn't arrived in yesterday's shipment were easily traded out for Japanese magnolias, so, with the exception of Dewey May, who hadn't shown, he and his crew were going full-tilt on the demolition of Moriah Keaney's dated, overgrown front flowerbeds.
An hour and a half into the job, Cam was getting worried. Dewey hadn't called in. He was the soul of responsibility. He'd fallen on hard times, another victim of the plant closing. Cam plugged him into the crew as often as possible for part-time work, just to help him keep his family afloat. That hadn't been often during the slow winter.