Chapter 20

"UH, CAM?"

CAM STABBED his shovel into the pile of mulch and flung it into the newly planted bed before turning to Steve. "Yeah?"

"It's five-thirty."

Cam looked reflexively at the horizon, registering the bleed of colors and the fading light. His crew should've knocked off half an hour ago.

"You want us to start clearing up?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I wasn't watching the time. Y'all go ahead and take the gear back to the nursery, check in with Violet. I just wanna finish up mulching this bed."

"You want us to help?" Dewey offered. "You'd finish quicker."

That was exactly what he didn't want. "No. I've got this. Y'all have families and dinner to get on home to. I'll see you tomorrow."

His crew exchanged looks but did as they were told. Fifteen minutes later, Cam was alone with the mulch and the lowering sun.