Chapter 29

AT THE TAP ON the front door of the pharmacy, Riley happily abandoned the spreadsheets currently fueling a tension headache. On the other side of the glass, Autumn Buchanan lifted an extra-large General Burke from The Daily Grind and made hurry up motions. Riley unlocked the door and tugged it open, grabbing the coffee in one hand and her friend in the other, yanking both inside.

"Whoa. Take my arm off, why don't you," Autumn said with a laugh

Riley took a long swallow, feeling instantly steadier with her favorite stimulant in hand. "I love you. Thank you for bringing me coffee."

"It was no trouble. Since they cut my hours at the library to the bone, I'm not due in until noon."

"They cut your hours again? What are you going to do for income? And Jesus, let me pay you back for the coffee."