RILEY STARED IN DISBELIEF at the empty storage unit. Well, empty but for the roach carcasses, spider webs, and other things best not to contemplate. Years of her family history had collected dust in there, and Liam and Judd had emptied all of it in half an hour.
Liam circled around the little U-haul to join her. "Did we miss something?"
"No. Y'all got everything."
"You seem to be not entirely happy about that," he observed.
"I'm fine. I just keep expecting to wake up and find out this was all a dream." Because she just couldn't quite wrap her mind around a reality in which her mom was about to be completely self-sufficient.
"No dream. A fact which I intend to prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt later tonight."
Judd stuck his head out from the cab of the U-haul. "Quit talkin' sexy to your woman, man. It's too damned hot to wait around for that."
Liam cheerfully flipped him off. "If we're good to roll, then Judd and I are gonna head on over to the apartment."