TYLER FELT A TWINGE of instinctive annoyance at the sight of Corinne Dawson stepping into the shop, then immediately chastised herself. This wasn't high school, or even college. They were grown women. The crap from years past didn't matter anymore. So she had a friendly smile pasted on as Corinne crossed to the counter, her little boy in tow.
"Hey there, Corinne." Tyler shifted the smile to her son. "Hi, Kurt."
Kurt pressed his face against his mother's leg, but Tyler could just see the edges of a shy smile.
Corinne glanced around the empty store. "Slow day?"
Tyler tried to tell herself that wasn't some kind of criticism or gloat. "We get a lull this time of day. Was there something I could help you with?"
"Well, I hope so. See, I've been on Pinterest."
Tyler laughed. "Famous last words. I think I have about a thousand projects pinned that I'll never get to." See, easy. Friendly. Common ground. This isn't so bad. "What in particular caught your eye?"