THE BABYLON JOB WAS all but done.
There were lists of final details to be tended to - always some kind of last minute, unexpected thing. But by and large, the construction was complete. The interior design crew was kitting out the rooms upstairs with the furniture that had been delivered earlier in the week. Cam, as landscape architect, was overseeing the planting of the hanging gardens on the roof. As Brody sat alone at the gleaming mahogany bar, he knew he should already be moving on. The portion of the job under his purview was done. Because of his commitment to the show, Gerald was leaving him to take care of the details that Louis normally handled. But even that should be handed off to the new manager in a few weeks. He'd done a hell of a job, beating even his best record for the company in terms of bringing in the project ahead of schedule.
None of it meant a damn thing.