TYLER STARED AT THE vase of bright yellow tulips on the dressing table. She didn't need to see the card to know they were from Brody. It was another of those show traditions.
"Aren't you going to read the card?" Piper asked.
She was almost afraid to open it. Her resolve was so weak at this point, she didn't know if she could hold up against him if he decided to press the issue. But the card only read, Break a leg, beautiful in his familiar, blocky handwriting. "Just the usual," Tyler said.
"Did you talk to him last night?"
"Yes." And yet there'd been so much unsaid. But it didn't matter now. He'd made his choice, and she'd made hers. They had a show to perform.
Tyler could see the struggle on Piper's face, desperate to ask more. But she'd wait because now wasn't the time. And thank God for it.
"Ten minutes to curtain!" The call swept through backstage like wildfire, sending them all into flurries of motion.