"ARE YOU SURE THEY shouldn't at least meet me first?"
From the driver's seat, Myles glanced over at Piper. "Why on Earth would I subject you to my family before the wedding?"
"Apart from the fact that it's kinda the way things are done?"
"Since when do you care about tradition on that front?"
"Okay, fair point. But it would add to the legitimacy. If we just show up married, they're bound to be suspicious. Whereas, if they've met me, gotten a chance to see that we're besotted with each other and know we're planning to get married, we can play off the elopement as a grand, spontaneous adventure and it'll be less of a surprise."
"Besotted?" He shot a glance at her, not sure whether he was offended by the term or not.
"What do you call spending every waking minute we're not at work either together or on the phone or texting?"
"Strategic planning?" he suggested.