Chapter 67

"YOU'RE MARRYING ONE OF my best friends today."

Myles caught sight of Tucker's grave expression in the mirror's reflection. They were alone in the groom's suite, the other groomsmen having gone off to do more of Gram's bidding. The ceremony was scheduled to start in less than half an hour. Praying for patience, he turned toward his best man, bracing himself for a repeat of the scene they'd had at The Mudcat. They really didn't have time for this.

"I know."

"I've still got my reservations about the wisdom of this whole thing, but I do believe you legitimately care about her and that you're not going to fuck it up on purpose."

Myles offered a wry smile. "Thanks. I think."

"I just wanted you to know that I'm with you, when I'm standing up there. As a friend, not a potential bouncer."

Something in Myles' chest eased. "Thanks, Tuck. That means a lot."

Tucker swung an arm around his shoulders. "How's your voice? Warmed up?"