Chapter 65

"THERE! THE DAMNED THING is fixed." Myles tossed a small basketball toward the hoop mounted on the wall, giving a celebratory fist pump on the swish. "There is beer and a burger in my future."

Before he could make a beeline for the exit, Simone shut the door to his office, her face serious. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

The answer is 'No, absolutely not.' "You're doing a kick ass job. Which you already know."

She angled her head, eyes narrowed in disapproval. That wasn't what she'd meant and they both knew it.

"What did Piper mean that you could lose the paper?"


"The paper's fine." It wasn't a lie. With his marriage and access to the trust, it would be within a month.

"Myles, I've known you too long. You're an old friend and I changed my whole life to come up here and work with you. You owe me the truth if that's about to blow up in my face."

Editor Busted For Lying To His Staff, Forced To Come Clean